
Computer Science:

  1. Programming
  2. Computer Architecture
  3. Algorithms and Data Structures
  4. Math for Computer Science
  5. Operating Systems
  6. Computer Networking
  7. Databases
  8. Languages and Compilters
  9. Distributed Systems


  1. Mark Lutz, Learning Python
  2. Mark Lutz, Programming Python
  3. Mark Lutz, Python Pocket Reference

Options Trading:

  1. Samir Elias, Generate Thousands in Cash on Your Stocks Before Buying or Selling Them
  2. Alan Ellman, Cashing in on Covered Call
  3. Alan Ellman, Exit Strategies for Covered Call Writing
  4. Alan Ellman, Complete Encycolopedia for Covered Call Writing – Classic Edition
  5. Alan Ellman, Complete Encycolopedia for Covered Call Writing – Volume 2
  6. Alan Ellman, Selling Cash Secured Puts

Stock Trading:

  1. Alexander Elder, Trading for A Living
  2. Alexander Elder, Come into My Trading Room
  3. Alexander Elder, Entries and Exits
  4. Alexander Elder, Sell and Sell Short
  5. Samir Elias, Explosive Stock Trading Strategies

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